Homeopathy is a powerful tool that you can learn to use in your own home to address a wide range of acute conditions. As someone passionate about helping others learn how to treat themselves, I believe that everyone should feel confident in using natural remedies. With a little knowledge and a few essential remedies on hand, you can handle many of life’s minor health hiccups—comfortably and naturally. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 15 remedies every homeopathic first aid kit should have!
By familiarizing yourself with these top remedies, you're not only caring for yourself and your family—you’re also empowering yourself to take control of your health in a natural, gentle way. Homeopathy isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about understanding and nurturing your body’s ability to heal itself. Keep these remedies on hand, and you’ll be ready to respond to life's little emergencies—confidently and naturally.
Top 15 Remedies You Can Use at Home
1) Aconite 200C
This is a fabulous remedy! It’s the go-to for shock with fear and fright (think either a victim of, or a witness to, a car accident) and is the remedy to take at the first sign of any cold or flu, especially when it comes on suddenly (sudden fever, sudden headache, sudden nosebleed).
A cold or flu that needs aconite is usually caused by exposure to a dry, cold wind that creates a chill. The patient will be thirsty and restlessness at night, there may be frequent dry sneezing and a dry, painful cough (often worse at night) that may be violent causing breathlessness. They are worse in a stuffy atmosphere.
Aconite is excellent for fear of travelling:
Take 1-2 pellets an hour before getting on the plane and take as needed throughout the flight if fear strikes.
Aconite is excellent if taken at the FIRST sign of a cold or flu:
Take 1-2 pellets within the 1st 24-48 hours, 3-4 times on day 1.
Aconite is excellent with a panic attack:
Dose every 10 or 20 minutes until the panic attack is less intense.
Consider this remedy for panic attack, fever, cold, flu, cough, croup, asthma attack, fear of travelling, sudden onset of cold or flu, chicken pox, swimmers ear, headache, hemorrhage or nosebleed coupled with fear.
2) Allium Cepa 30C
Think seasonal allergies and colds with Allium cepa. Derived from the red onion, allergy symptoms will mirror what happens when you cut an onion – clear, watery runny nose with sneezing fits, and itchy, burning, watery eyes. The discharge from the nose may be acrid burning the upper lip making it look scalded. There may also be a stuffed-up nose with one nostril dripping. There may be a marked sensitivity to light, a dull head pain, a hoarse throat with a tickly cough. If you are worse in a warm room and better in the open air this is probably the remedy for you!
Consider this remedy for colds, flu, allergies.
3) Apis 6C, 30C
This is an excellent remedy for allergic reactions like hives, wheels or urticaria – anything that causes a stinging sensation with redness, heat and swelling. It is helpful for insect bites, edema, skin rashes, swelling under eyes, eye infections such as conjunctivitis and styes, sore throats with swollen uvulas, tonsillitis with swollen tonsils. Apis is also helpful with UTI’s. A person needing Apis may be whining from the pain and cannot help but cry.
This is the #1 remedy for bee or wasp stings.
If you are severely allergic to bee stings and get stung, take Apis on the way to the hospital. Under the direction of a homeopath you can also take this remedy prophylactically.
Consider this remedy for bee stings, allergic reactions, hives, edema, nettle rash, stinging pains, swelling, urticaria, or any swelling of the skin, conjunctivitis, styes, sore throats with swollen uvulas or tonsils, rash after violent exercise, UTI’s.
4) Arnica 30C, 200C
Most people have heard of this remedy and may already have it stuffed in a drawer or cupboard. Well pull it out! This is a remedy I always have on hand. With Arnica think TRAUMA – both physical and mental.
Arnica is the 1st remedy to use with an injury to soft tissue or muscle as it has an affinity to the blood vessels. It helps stop bleeding, so it is excellent for injuries, contusions, falls, surgery, accidents and dental work. Basically, anything that will cause a bruise. Someone needing arnica will have an injury but may tell you they are fine and don’t need assistance (i.e. put a hand up when you try to help them) as they don’t want to be approached or touched.
It is very useful with muscle strains so consider taking a dose before hitting the gym or heading out on that run. If you are prone to get sore after a workout, you can also take a dose afterwards to help alleviate sore muscles.
Arnica is the #1 concussion remedy:
Take 2 pellets immediately after the injury and take 2 pellets 2-3 more times day of injury.
Day after the injury take 2 pellets 1-2 times that day, stop with improvement.
Arnica is amazing post-delivery for both mom and babe for both the mental and physical trauma of labour – if mom takes a dose or two post-delivery it will reach babe via breast milk and both will have an easier recovery.
It is very useful with Jetlag:
It is very useful for surgery:
Give Arnica at the first sign of a heart attack! Arnica will help break down blood clots and will buy a little more time while the person suffering from a heart attack or stroke waits for the ambulance.
Consider this remedy for sore, aching pains, injury to soft tissue/muscle, black eye, concussion, shock (without fear – with fear think Aconite), trauma (mental or physical), labour pains, post-labour shock or trauma, nose bleeds after being punched, over-lifting, over-working, head injuries, dental work, thrombosis, ecchymosis, surgery.
5) Arsenicum Album 30C, 200C
This is one of the top homeopathic remedies for food poisoning or stomach flu that causes GI upsets such as vomiting or diarrhea. There will be burning pains that are better by heat (i.e. burning sore throat that is better from warm drinks, burning stomachache better drinking hot water).
It is also a great remedy for anxiety and is helpful with asthma and allergies that affect the respiratory tract.
Arsenicum is also excellent for colds that typically start in the nose. I have used this one may times when someone has a cold that causes the nose to be stuffed up but there is a watery discharge that burns the upper lip.
Consider this remedy for diarrhea, vomiting, gastritis, food poisoning, anxiety, nausea, colds, allergies, asthma, eczema, sore throat.
6) Belladonna 30C, 200C
With this remedy think heat, pain, redness, throbbing and swelling – all the first symptoms of an inflammatory process which is your body’s response to a pathogen or cellular injury.
This is one of the best remedies for a high fever without perspiration – hot red face with fever that appears suddenly. Look for dilated pupils, a red strawberry tongue or throat, throbbing headaches. A belladonna patient is usually not thirsty, but if they are thirsty, they may ask for lemonade or lemons.
Belladonna is great for an intense headache that comes on suddenly, that throbs or has a sensation of shooting pains with heat in the head.
Consider this remedy for sunburn or sunstroke, sore throat, scarlet fever, earache, abscess, high fever, boils, teething, headaches, tonsillitis, infection.
7) Bryonia 30C, 200C
This remedy has been proven very effective in treating both covid and long-covid in over 50% of covid cases when the symptoms match. With Bryonia think SLOW onset of colds or flus. It feels like something has been coming on for a few days. Bryonia is very DRY and very thirsty for large quantities of cold water. They have a dry mouth, dry lips, dry stuffy nose, dry, painful cough, and a severe headache. They hold the head and chest while coughing and are typically cold to touch with an internal heat. Any motion makes the patient feel worse – even blinking, breathing, talking or reaching for a much-needed glass of water.
Consider this remedy for bronchitis, colds, flu, covid, long covid, cough, nausea, vomiting.
8) Calendula 30C
Note: this can be taken orally or used topically
This is an important remedy when used as a liquid tincture in the treatment of superficial cuts, scrapes and abrasions. Calendula has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and will help prevent infection. Calendula applied directly to the area will help stop the bleeding, heal the wound quickly by promoting healthy granulations.
Sensations: rawness, stinging, sore, inflamed. Pain may be out of proportion to the wound.
Calendula is also helpful with a 1st degree burn, including a sunburn.
Calendula can also be taken as an oral pellet form to help speed up healing.
Consider for gum infections, mouth ulcers, gum bleeding, 1st degree burns, scrapes, cuts or abrasions, infections.
9) Cantharis 200C
This is the #1 remedy for burns and blisters – particularly 2nd or 3rd degree burns (consider Calendula for 1st degree burns). Skin will be red and inflamed, blisters may form that will fill with yellow or white fluid. The sensation will be burning - vs. a stinging sensation which is more indicative of Apis.
Cantharis is helpful with acute, violent inflammation. It is excellent with mucous membranes that sting or burn so it is also useful with a burning sore throat with great thirst, urinary tract infections and cystitis that cause cutting or burning pain in both kidneys with a frequent urge to urinate.
Consider this remedy for blisters, burns, sore throat, cystitis, UTI’s.
10) Chamomilla 30C, 200C
This is an excellent childhood remedy as it is helpful with teething, colic, fevers, ear pain and hypersensitivity. Children needing chamomilla want to be constantly carried when they are ill, can be very angry, demanding and sensitive to pain. They may have one cheek that is red and the other pale, and may have hot green diarrhea that smells like rotten eggs. They may cry in their sleep without waking and be very whiny and restless, almost violent from the pain.
11) Histaminum 6C, 30C
An excellent seasonal allergy medicine for stronger allergic reactions such as hay fever, hives, pollen, insect bite and food allergies. Symptoms may include itching, congestion, bronchial agitation, swelling, and itchy throat.
We were travelling recently, and my stepson had a reaction to something he ate. He started to get an itchy throat and red splotches on his skin. Thankfully one dose of histamine did the trick, and all his symptoms were relieved!
12) Hypericum 30C, 200C
Note: this can be taken orally or used topically
This is the arnica of the nerves as it follows the path of the nerve. Think of this one if you slam your finger in a car door or have a puncture wound in a nerve rich area such as the foot. It is extremely helpful after a tooth extraction or after a fall on the tailbone when the pain radiates up the spine and down the limbs.
Hypericum is also excellent with deeper lacerations that are very painful (whereas you would use calendula for scrapes and cuts). You can take this remedy orally and use it to clean the wound the same way you would use calendula.
Consider this remedy for dental work and/or tooth extractions (add pellets to water and swish in mouth), carpal tunnel syndrome, puncture wounds, deep lacerations, smashed fingers, injuries to the back, shooting and burning pains along the nerves, sciatica, injuries to the fingertips, concussions to the brain or spine, lacerated wounds, neuralgic pain after a limb amputation, pain after injury (fall or surgery).
13) Ledum 30C
Think puncture wounds such as bite wounds or insect stings with this remedy, especially if the area is cold to the touch and made better by cold applications. Ledum can prevent or stop tetanus after a puncture wound (stepping on a rusty nail) and can help clear up a lingering black eye. Ledum is also helpful with gout that begins lower in the body (feet). Ledum is also helpful with bruises that remain a long time after injury, bruises that are mottled purple with excessive swelling.
Sensation: Dull aching pain that is better with cold and rest and worse with warmth or motion.
Ledum is extremely helpful after a tick bite and can help prevent Lyme disease.
To help prevent tick borne illness:
Take 2 pellets every 3 hours on day 1 of tick bite and follow with 2 pellets 2 times per day for 1 week.
Consider this remedy for black eyes, tick bites, stepping on something sharp like a nail,
14) Nux Vomica 30C
This is an important remedy for our modern times. This remedy is perfect for the A-type personality with a supercharged nervous system who is extremely competitive with a tendency towards irritability. It is helpful for those who are suffering from the overuse or overindulgence of stimulants (alcohol, caffeine, Adderall) and those who always need to work harder and do more. Someone needing this remedy will find it hard to sit still.
Symptoms typically come on in times of stress or overwork and Nux Vomica is excellent for gastrointestinal disorders including constipation and/or diarrhea, vomiting, migraines, overindulging (overeating, drinking), hangovers, insomnia, overstimulation, exhaustion, asthma, migraines, back pain, sciatica and hay fever.
It is also useful with colds that have a runny nose by day but are stuffed up at night.
15) Ruta 30C, 200C
Excellent for treatment of overexertion injuries when it comes to sprains or strains that involve the tendons, ligaments, cartilage or periosteum (covering of bones – think soccer ball to the shin). Ruta is indicated when you are restless and tired with aches and pains that feel better with motion but are worse from sitting or resting.
Consider this remedy for tennis elbow, runners’ knee or pains or strains from texting too much.
How to dose remedies in an acute situation
Dosing for adults/children: 2 pellets is the standard dose for adults/children.
Dosing for babies: add 1-2 pellets to ¼ cup of filtered water, stir thoroughly and give 1 tsp of the solution for each dose.
*The more quickly or intense a condition has come on (like a fever), the more quickly it should respond to a remedy. You would give a dose every 20 minutes or so until person seems more comfortable. A child with a high fever should respond within 20 mins or so and should become more comfortable. You know a remedy is working when the patient seems more at ease and less uncomfortable.
For something more intense – with sudden onset like a fever, you can dose every 5-10 minutes, stopping when the is reduced. If the fever climbs again, start re-dosing.
*Dosing with a cold: colds have a slower onset, so you dose several times a day and look for improvement within a day or two. Take the indicated remedy every 2-3 hours until symptoms improve, then space doses further apart. With any marked improvement = stop!
Give the remedy until you (or the patient) are feeling 80-90% better. Less is more with homeopathy. If you have given 4-5 subsequent doses without any improvement (you should see at least a 5% improvement), consider a different remedy.
For educational purposes only. This is not medical advice. Please seek medical care for emergency or life-threatening situations.