“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” 

Thomas Edison

So what’s the scoop on caffeine? One minute someone says caffeine is good for you, and the following week you’re reading that it causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction.

Caffeine Anyone? →

Scientists are only just discovering the enormous impact of our gut health – and how it could hold the key to everything from tackling obesity to overcoming anxiety and boosting immunity

Unlocking The Gut Microbiome →

The Dairy Association’s slogan for milk states, “It does the body good.” But does it really? Let’s take a look at some nutritional science behind consuming dairy in excessive amounts.

Milk, Does It Really Do The Body Good? →

You’ve probably heard the term essential amino acids, but do you know what they are?

Understanding Amino Acids →

Traditional medicine is sometimes seen as pre-scientific, its practices and treatments to be replaced by modern, more efficient science-based medicine. What is less known is its contribution to modern science and medicine, and long history of being translated into effective treatments.

Traditional Medicines' Contribution To Conventional Medicine →

If you want to improve your hormones, the first thing to do is to improve your food intake and possibly add nutritional supplements that can support hormone manufacturing.

Eating To Support Hormone Health →

Three Devastating Problems Proving Fish Oil is the Wrong Choice

Understanding Fish Oil →
