Reasons To Consider Avoiding Antiperspirants + Switching To Natural Deodorant

Around the time I began actively choosing organic fruits and vegetables over conventionally grown food, I also began paying more attention to the ingredients that my favourite face, hair, and body products contained.

One of the first products I quickly switched out for a more natural version was my antiperspirant. For those that are not aware, deodorant and anti-perspirant are two different things. Deodorants mask odour, while antiperspirants stop your sweat glands from producing sweat. Antiperspirants contain aluminum, and it is the aluminum that clogs your sweat glands by forming a gel-like plug that prevents you from sweating.

We all know that our skin is the biggest organ in our body but some may not be aware that it is a part of our detox pathway. Why would we want to restrict our body from doing something as natural as sweating?

Many of the books and studies I came across in my deep dive into natural beauty products, indicated a potential link between some of the ingredients found in antiperspirants and an increased risk of breast cancer.

Dr Chris Exley at Keele University (United Kingdom) made a correlation between the occurrence and location of breast-cancer tumors and the rise of aluminum-based antiperspirants after noticing that women who had mastectomies had high levels of aluminum in their breast  . Dr. Exley made the comment, “you could make a leap of faith that the two could be linked.”

I was horrified to learn that the antiperspirants I had been using for decades, contained so many toxic ingredients. I found it even more distressing that I was learning this information so late in life, knowing that my mother, sisters, daughter, and girlfriends had also been slathering their underarms with this toxic chemical soup that could potentially do great harm.

It is important for me to note that although there have been extensive studies done over the years about a potential link between aluminum-based antiperspirants and breast cancer, there is still no scientific consensus.

However, throughout my research, I continued to uncover study after study showing potential correlations between aluminium and issues with breast health. Another study done in 2017 by EbioMedicine, found that “women who used underarm cosmetic products (UCP’s) may lead to an accumulation of aluminum in breast tissue”. The study also showed that women under the age of 30 who reported using UCP’s several times per day “may even have an increased risk for breast cancer”. The study ultimately recommended that women at younger ages, “should be careful with the use of UCP’s and avoid excessive use”.

I was not about to wait around for “scientific consensus” before I stopped using products on my body that contained chemicals that “may or may not” have potential long-term health risks.

Thankfully, as more and more consumers start to increase their awareness in the area of health and wellness, the demand for safer, cleaner and more natural beauty products continues to grow. It is now much easier to find non-toxic products as the variety of options expands.


What To Avoid

Some other ingredients beside aluminum you should try to avoid in your antiperspirants and deodorants are: 

  • Parabens – a preservative that has been shown to mimic estrogen in the body’s cells.
  • Aluminum – has been a known human carcinogen for nearly 100 years. (3)
  • Triclosan – A synthetic antibacterial and antifungal agent. In studies on animals, triclosan has been shown to alter hormone regulation and weaken the immune system among many other harmful side effects.
  • Phthalates – plasticizers that have been linked to asthma, ADHD, breast cancer, obesity, autism spectrum disorders, male reproductivity problems, and altered reproductive development, to name a few.

Look for deodorants that contain baking soda or arrowroot as absorbents and natural microbials like coconut oil. Essential oils are typically added to add fragrance and mask odors.

Be aware that even with something labeled natural or clean, you still need to be conscious and read labels. There are a few apps that can help you determine whether a product is clean or not. Try the Think Dirty app.

For the cleanest option, try making your own!

DIY Deodorant – 10 minutes or less

  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/8 cup coconut oil (use a liquified version)
  • 20-30 drops of one or a combination of the following essential oils: Lavender, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Rosemary or Sweet Thyme*. (If you have sensitive skin reduce to 10-15 drops of EO).

*When using essential oils, be sure to buy ones that aren’t already diluted. Oils should be 100% pure. Try our Midsummers Sage EO blend! A beautiful blend of Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense.

You can also read more about My Journey Into Wellness


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