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NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

Breaking Free From Toxicity

When exposure to chemicals is low-dose and long-term, the symptoms develop slowly, often mimicking common disorders. Additionally, people react differently to chemical exposure, and if medical professionals aren't trained to identify the underlying causes, many people suffer from health problems.

NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

The New Farm Review

This book truly reflects how regenerative farming can be a powerful tool for not only healing the land, but also for reconnecting to a more intentional way of living. Preston's journey is an inspiring one

NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

Deciphering Food Labels

Label reading can be daunting. And time consuming. But I promise that deciphering the ingredients on labels is well worth it to make sure the healthy meals you're cooking aren't sabotaged by ingredients from canned, boxed or jarred goods.

NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

My Path To Homeopathy

Thus began my quest to immerse myself in learning everything I could about alternative health. I read every book I could get my hands on, and started an enlightening journey with a myriad of alternative health treatments and modalities. I've written a lot about my initial journey into wellness and many of those alternative health treatments. Each one taught me something and informed my understanding of whole health. 

NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is considered a chronic inflammatory condition that affects hormone levels. The ovaries are responsible for producing androgen hormones, and when androgens are produced at optimal levels, follicles remain healthy leading to a normal ovulatory process.

NEW: Life at peak wellness blogs

The Magic Of Mushrooms

As an avid hiker of the mountains of British Columbia, with every step I take, I see mushrooms. As someone who is interested in functional health and medicinal plants, the world of mushrooms has always intrigued me. Considered a super food, medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine throughout China and other East Asian countries for centuries. 
Each month Marci is talking to experts across a broad range of wellness topics so we can learn different ways to improve our overall well-being.


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