Masterclass - Make Your Mess Your Message

“Everybody’s got something. It’s not the cancer, the divorce, it’s not unemployment. That’s not the tragedy. The real tragedy is if you don’t take the time to figure out WHY the obstacle was placed in your path + what you are supposed to learn from it. More importantly, what can I share with others so if they are going through this they are going to be helped.”

Robin Roberts

I received Masterclass as a gift for my birthday, last year from my husband. Although I had seen the Masterclass ad placements on Instagram, I was not overly familiar with the full extent of the content. Needless to say, I was more than pleasantly surprised! The first class I chose to embark upon was with Robin Roberts.

For those that may not know her, Robin Roberts is a force to be reckoned with. Currently the anchor of ABC’s Good Morning America since 2005, her career spans many decades in broadcasting, including 15 years as a sportscaster on ESPN.

Although Ms. Roberts has been dealt a difficult hand (surviving both breast cancer in 2007 and later myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in 2012 which is a disease of the bone marrow,) she continues to spread her inspirational message of hope and perseverance.


“Make your mess your message”, “be of service to others”, and “don’t compare your despair”, are three messages she shares throughout her sessions on Masterclass.

One of the most effective things you can do to improve your Intellectual Wellness is continue to be curious. Become a lifelong learner. I can't think of a better way to do that than by investing in your learning with Masterclass.

In Samuel A Malone's book, “Awaken the Genius Within—A Guide to Lifelong Learning Skills” (Glasnevin Publishing Dublin, 2014), Samuel uses the acronym PRACTICE to remind you to become a lifelong learner:

  • Priority. Make the practice of lifelong learning a priority in your life. Set aside at least half an hour a day to build up that knowledge or skill in the area of expertise that you need to acquire. Nothing will happen unless you make it happen and put in the effort.
  • Reflect. Reflection is a most important aspect of learning. Think deeply about what you have learned. Build review periods into your learning so you do not forget. Information is quickly forgotten unless reviewed, and skills fall into decay unless practised. Observe how others learn, and model the behavior of the best learners. Listen to what people have to say, and look for feedback on your performance and behaviour. Don’t take criticism personally as it may be a pointer to your shortcomings and a way of learning from your mistakes. Continuous improvement and lifelong learning should be your goal.
  • Action learning. We learn best by doing things, and we acquire skill by doing things over and over again. Most skills take a considerable amount of time to acquire and perfect. World-class musicians hone their skills up to eight hours a day. Athletes constantly practice and have sports psychologists to advise, direct, and motivate them. Professional golfers finish 18 holes and then head to the driving range to practise. Tiger Woods has a coach. So does Rory McIlroy, a current world champion golfer.
  • Curiosity. A curious mind is a receptacle for learning. The secret of genius is to carry the wonderment of childhood into adulthood. We should be inquisitive and ask questions such as how, what, and why all the time. It is through questions seeking answers that we learn. Develop your powers of creativity by looking for alternative ways to do things or solve problems. Einstein wisely maintained that asking questions and imagination was more important than intelligence.
  • Teach. A great way of learning is to teach others as it consolidates and reinforces our knowledge. We can do this by showing other people how to do things, and by demonstrating, coaching, and mentoring. Channels used for mentoring usually include a combination of e-mail, telephone, and face-to-face meetings. Mentoring can be a great source of informal and non-threatening support. Many famous people maintain that they would not have succeeded in life to the extent that they did without the services of a good mentor.
  • Insight. Discovery consists of looking at the same things as everybody else but seeing something different. Many people saw the apple fall, but it was only Newton, through insight and reflection, who discovered the laws of gravity. Similarly, many scientific discoveries have happened through unique insight. Serendipity also may play a role, but people who make great discoveries by chance have the judgment and persistence to pursue the idea to fruition.
  • Concentration. We must develop powers of concentration if we want to learn and excel. Having goals, listening attentively, dealing with distractions effectively, and practicing the technique of mental rehearsal are just some of the ways you can improve your concentration. In addition, good self-belief and a positive attitude will help you stay focused.
  • Exercise and nutrition. Build in programs of exercise into your lifelong learning habits so you will keep mentally and physically fit. Physical exercise induces the body to produce an array of chemicals that the brain and, indeed, the heart love. The brain, as well as the body, thrives on oxygen and proper nutrition. The brain needs a nutritious diet to survive and thrive. A balanced diet of vitamins and nutrients is needed to keep your body and brain in peak condition.
  • Different learning styles. There are different learning styles, but most of us use a combination of these. Academics have classified learning styles in different ways. One popular method can be recalled by the acronym, VAT, which stands for visual, audial, and tactile. Put simply, we learn by seeing, hearing, and doing. Another classification is Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. In other words, we do something, think about it, understand it, and then based on our understanding, we may do it differently. This is how we learn.

I am absolutely LOVING my Masterclass gift! If you are interested in trying it, and implementing PRACTICE, get your annual subscription HERE.

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